
Dead Man's List : Mike Lawson

Dalam beberapa hari ni sementara menunggu panggilan kedua interview, I habiskan masa dengan membaca. Tak pun tengok balik drama Korea yang I save dalam laptop. Jadi berapa hari ni, I sempat habiskan satu novel English.

When Joe DeMarco is sent to investigate the death of reporter Terry Finley, it appears to be nothing more than tragic accident. DeMarco's suspicions are aroused when he discovers Finley was investigating Senator Paul Morelli, considered a shoo-in for his party's presidential nomination. 

Morelli's luck is famous, even by a politician standards, and whilst his past has already been scrutinized, looks can be deceptive. DeMarco's search leads him intona world of dirty secrets, beltway politics and divided loyalties.

And as two rogue agents freelancing for the CIA begin to follow him, he finds the deeper he digs, the more deadly and out of control his pursuit for justice becomes. 

Best jugak novel ni. Memang tak sia-sia lah beli biarpun cuma RM8 je masa offer kat Popular Bookstore hari tu. Siapa yang minat baca kisah-kisah penyiasatan and thriller tu, kalau uolls nampak novel ni dengan harga RM8, sila lah grab satu. Ini karya Mike Lawson yang pertama I baca. Untuk novel ni kurang mendebarkan. Tapi tetap ada keinginan nak cari novel Joe DeMarco yang lain. Not bad jugak Joe DeMarco's series ni. Cuma jalan cerita macam agak mendatar je dan predictable sikit. Tapi itu tak menghalang I untuk selak helaian yang seterusnya.

P/s : nak pergi kedai buku lah lepas ni. Stock novel di kala bosan dah tak ada. 


  1. Wah, kamek pun ada beli buku offer Popular. Rambang mata nak mileh sebab hampir semuanya rega RM8. Last2 pileh jarklah buku zugzwang.

  2. wahhh macam best cerita nie.. nak cari jugaklah

  3. Cayalah..boleh abis novel sekejap je..klu ayut novel ni jgn cite la..mmg mkn masa nk abis ye.

  4. Genre semacam ini saya minat cik Aisya. I wish I can buy it and read within my free time.. (:

  5. kmk tok payah sikit mok baca buku english. haha

  6. qila ada 5 buku lagi takterbaca kak aisya. Kak aisya baca bila pukul berapa je? :)
    Hihi. Nak jadi mcm kak aisyaaaa hehehe <3

  7. beli RM8 pun berbaloi la sbb buku sedap baca..hehe;)

  8. rajin dia bca buku eng hehee :)

  9. ada ternampak kat popular hari tu ihiks :)

  10. Lama tak baca novel..lagi2 novel omputih.. :)

  11. minat baca novel tp english kurang cket. hahah :D
