
[English Novel] Grave Surprise - Charlaine Harris

Target 6 buah novel dalam masa 3 bulan ni entah tercapai atau tak. Sebab novel ini pun dah ambik masa sebulan untuk dihabiskan. Bukan main lama lagi padahal satu novel je. Itu lah, kebelakangan ini asyik tak berkesempatan je nak pegang buku. Kalau dah pegang pun tak sempat, nak membaca apatah lagi. Sobs

Grave Surprise
Charlaine Harris

Sinopsis Grave Surprise

When she was 15, Harper Connelly was struck by a bolt of lighting. She recovered, mostly... she has a strange red spiderweb on parts of her body, and her right leg is weak. Sometimes her right hand shakes. She has headaches. And she can find dead people. 

That was the part that interested anthropology professor Dr. Clive Nunley, who invited Harper and her stepbrother Tolliver to Memphis to give a demonstration of her unique talent - and what a better place for it than an old cemetery? Dr. Nunley doesn't bother to hide his scepticism, even when Harper senses a young girl, recently deceased in a grave alongside to its owner - a centuries deceased man.

When the grave is opened, Harper is proved right; the dead girl is Tabitha Morgenstern, an eleven years old abducted two years previously. That's bad enough, but worse is to come, for Harper tried - and failed - to find the child when she first went missing... so Harper and Tolliver embark on their own investigation to find the killer.

And the next morning a third dead body is found in the grave. 
Novel ni boleh tahan. Cuma point yang menarik kurang dikupas - Harper unique ability. Sebab jalan cerita berfokuskan siapa pembunuh Tabitha je. Kalau ditambah lagi sikit cerita tentang ability Harper mencari jasad manusia yang telah mati siap boleh explain cause of death si mati mesti lagi menarik. Dengan hanya melihat mayat tu je, dia boleh explain minit-minit terakhir apa yang terjadi kepada si mati. Tapi novel ni lebih berkisar tentang Tabitha dan pembunuhnya. Balik-balik pusing situ aje. Dalam circle yang kecik je. Kalau kupas lagi kisah Harper sure lagi menarik. 

Tapi kan, novel ni macam ada sekuel pun ya jugak. Macam tergantung aje terceritanya. Nak jugak tahu apa yang terjadi dengan Cameron, adik Harper yang hilang bertahun lamanya. Dan mungkin sebab novel ni bersiri kot kisah ability Harper tak diceritakan sangat. 

p/s : Selepas digoogle, memang bersiri pun. Harper Connelly Misteries, ada 4 novel semuanya. Haish, kena cari ni. Tak best pulak baca cerita sekerat-sekerat begini. 

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