
[English Novel] The Chance by Karen Kingsbury

Novel ni I baca time Iolls tengah stress. Hasilnya I baca dalam masa dua hari je dan ini menjadikan novel The Chance novel number empat untuk tahun ini. Dah half way untuk capai 8 buah novel dalam masa 3 bulan pertama tahun 2015. 

Memandangkan sekarang I tengah baca novel yang number 6 so sebelum I lupa story yang ada dalam novel ni dan sebelum I confused dengan jalan cerita lain, baik Iolls buat entri cepat-cepat. En. Barney, ini bahan bukti Iolls giat membaca. Bukan beli novel banyak-banyak buat jeruk dalam kotak. 

The Chance
Karen Kingsbury

Sinopsis The Chance

The day before a teenage Ellie moved from Georgia to California, she and her best friend Nolan sat beneath the Spanish moss of an ancient oak tree where they wrote letters to each other and buried them in a rusty old metal box. The plan was to return eleven years later, dig the letters up and read them. But now, as that date approaches, much has changed. Ellie has abandoned the faith she grew up with, her days consumed with loving her little girl and to make ends meet. Sometimes she watches TV to catch a glimpse of her friend Nolan, now an NBA star, whose faith is known by the entire nation. But few knoe that Nolan's own personal tragedies have fueles both faith and athletic frive. Despite his success, Nolan is isolated and lonely, plagued by a void in his heart that has remained since that night beneath the old oak tree with Ellie. For both Ellie and Nolan, the coming date is more that a childhood promise. It's the chance to find out if it's ever too late to find love again. 
First time baca karya Karen Kingsbury. Novel ni boleh lah I nak classified as novel santai. Yela, normally genre yang I baca adalah thriller / crime and yang sewaktu dengannya. Tak ada ups and downs sangat pun novel ni. Dari Ellie berpindah sampai lah tarikh yang dijanjikan 11 tahun kemudian. Smooth aje jalan ceritanya. So agak-agak apa lah ending Ellie dan Nolan selepas 11 tahun ye? Bertemu semula? Atau tidak?

Bagi I novel ni nak kata best tak jugak, tak best pun tak jugak. Biasa-biasa je lah. Cuma I tak tahu lah kenapa. I baca novel ni teringat movie High School Musical pulak. Mungkin sebab Nolan tu pemain basketball macam Troy dan ayah mereka kedua-duanya coach basketball memasing? Entah.

p/s : Sekarang tengah baca novel klasik tau. Biarpun dah tahu ceritanya. Hiks


  1. Nak tau juga last sekali.. jumpa ke tak?

  2. rasa mcm dah lama tak membaca..huhu

  3. dpt gak sahut cabaran . hati sis dah terlekat pd blog berbanding novel ...

  4. jalan cerita dia macam klise... uhmm..

  5. nk komen - no komen - boleh tak? hehe =p
